Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Grade 4/5 English

Recorder Extras


Hi everyone! 

You can go to the 

Extras - Recorder

Page for all sorts of extra recorder work if you want to practice with a soprano recorder that you have at home.

This is NOT something that you need to do, but you're more than welcome to if you want to get a jump start on recorders.

Happy Music Making!

-Mlle Thorlakson


May 20, 2021

Hey everyone!

Follow the video for your music activities for this week. There is also the second half of the activity with the music teacher at Coalbanks, it's pretty awesome!

Last week I know that you couldn't see what I was doing on the Music Lab, I've fixed that this week, so it will all make more sense now!

Rocky Mountain High Puzzle

May 13, 2021

Hey everyone!

Follow the video for your music activities for this week. There is also an activity below with the music teacher at Coalbanks, it's pretty awesome!

The link for Chrome Music Lab is optional, if you want to play around with it. You are going to be using it next week for an activity. 

Chrome Music Lab